Fuel Gas Scrubbers remove traces of liquid droplets from gas streams to protect the downstream equipment. It is typically used upstream of gas treating equipment. Dry desiccants may be a part of the system. Scrubbers are used to protect mechanical equipment such as compressors. It is also used downstream of equipment where liquids have condensed from the gas. Fuel Gas Scrubbers are designed to handle light liquid loads and do not take the place of a vertical or horizontal separator.
We fabricate and stock standard fuel gas scrubbers with the following specifications:
- 4-1/2”, 6-5/8” or 8-5/8” O.D. x 3’0"
- 285 PSIG DP at 100 °F
- 1” x 3000# Inlet Coupling c/w Flow Deflector
- 2” x 3000# Gas Outlet Coupling
- Safety Shut-Off Valve
- ¾” x 3000# Drain Coupling
- Sweet and Sour service
We can fabricate custom fuel gas scrubbers to meet customer’s specifications.